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Volunteer Opportunities 

RESCUES ON85TH are always looking for dedicated volunteers who want to spend their time making a real difference in the lives of our FAMs Furry Family Members.
We accept volunteers through VolunteerMatch and Justserve


Community Drive Outreach Coordinator

Volunteer needed for Community Drive Outreach Coordinator

Opportunity Details


Title: Community Drive Outreach Coordinator

Overview: The Community School Drive Coordinator plays a pivotal role in organizing, promoting, and managing food drives aimed at collecting food, toys, beds, and other supplies for cats and dogs. This position is centered around engaging schools within the community to participate in these drives, ensuring that RESCUES ON85TH, can distribute to families in order for them to have access to essential food and supplies.

فرص التطوع 

تبحث عمليات الإنقاذ في ON85TH دائمًا عن متطوعين مخلصين يرغبون في قضاء وقتهم في إحداث فرق حقيقي في حياة حيواناتنا الأليفة!
نقوم بتجنيد المتطوعين من خلال VolunteerMatch.


منسق التنسيب

فرصة تطوع لمنسق التنسيب في صفحة تبني حيوان أليف ..

تفاصيل الفرصة


Title: Navigating Resource 365 for FAM Furry Family Members Care and Assistance

Overview: This training video is designed to guide Community Volunteers through the features and functionalities of the Resource 365 database provided by RESCUES ON85TH. The video aims to equip volunteers with the knowledge to effectively utilize the database to assist families with finding resources for their (FAMs) Furry Family Members, and share information to assist rescues, shelters, and other animal related agencies which may be undisclosed to further their mission. The video also demonstrates how specialist will create these resources for the 365 database.

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