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RESCUES ON85TH Non-Discrimination Policy


I. Policy Statement

RESCUES ON85TH is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all individuals. It is the policy of RESCUES ON85TH to ensure equal opportunity for all employees, volunteers, clients, and partners without discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws.

We are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our operations and programs. Discrimination, harassment, or retaliation of any kind will not be tolerated.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all areas of RESCUES ON85TH’s operations, including but not limited to:
- Employment and hiring practices
- Volunteer recruitment and participation
- Provision of services and programs to clients
- Interactions with vendors, partners, and third parties
- Any other conduct or practice related to the mission and operations of RESCUES ON85TH

III. Equal Employment Opportunity

RESCUES ON85TH provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants. We do not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices based on any legally protected characteristic. Employment decisions are made based on merit, qualifications, and the needs of the organization, consistent with applicable legal requirements.


IV. Harassment Prohibition

RESCUES ON85TH strictly prohibits any form of harassment based on protected characteristics. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, verbal, physical, or visual conduct that belittles or demeans an individual based on their race, color, national origin, age, gender, religion, disability, or other protected status.

Examples of prohibited harassment include:
- Unwelcome remarks, jokes, or slurs related to an individual’s protected characteristics
- Visual conduct, such as offensive or discriminatory images, cartoons, or gestures
- Threatening, intimidating, or hostile behavior
- Physical conduct, including unwelcome touching or assault

Harassment of this nature will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or volunteer service, or exclusion from participation in programs.

V. Reasonable Accommodation

RESCUES ON85TH is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities to ensure they can participate fully in our programs and services. If an employee, volunteer, or client requires an accommodation due to a disability, they are encouraged to notify the Executive Director or their immediate supervisor so that appropriate steps can be taken.

VI. Reporting Discrimination or Harassment

Any individual who believes they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should report the incident immediately to:
1. The Executive Director, or
2. Their immediate supervisor.

Reports may be made in writing or via email at RESCUES ON85TH will promptly investigate all complaints and take appropriate action to resolve the issue. All reports will be treated confidentially to the extent possible, and retaliation against any individual for reporting discrimination or harassment is strictly prohibited.

VII. Investigation and Resolution

Upon receiving a report of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, RESCUES ON85TH will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation. The investigation may include interviews with the complainant, the accused, and any witnesses, as well as a review of relevant documents or records.

Following the investigation, RESCUES ON85TH will take prompt and appropriate corrective action, which may include disciplinary measures such as counseling, warnings, suspension, or termination, depending on the severity of the conduct.


VIII. Retaliation Prohibited

RESCUES ON85TH prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a complaint of discrimination or harassment, participates in an investigation, or engages in any activity protected by this policy. Individuals who retaliate against a complainant or witness may be subject to disciplinary action.

IX. Commitment to a Respectful Environment

RESCUES ON85TH is dedicated to maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all individuals involved in our organization. All employees, volunteers, clients, and partners are expected to adhere to the principles outlined in this policy and to contribute to a culture of respect, diversity, and equity.

X. Policy Review and Revisions

This Non-Discrimination Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with legal requirements and alignment with RESCUES ON85TH’s mission and values. Updates or revisions to the policy will be communicated to all employees, volunteers, and clients.

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