Eligibility Requirements
All households must fall at or below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or show proof of financial hardship, which will be determined by our organization as acceptable.
Required Documentation:
- Current photo ID for the applicant.
- Proof of income for the previous month for all household members over 18. The agency uses pay dates from check stubs. Be sure to bring all stubs from the calendar month. For example, if you are filling out an application in December, income should be from November. Note: If any household member is over 18 and had no income the previous month, a Declaration of Household Income form (included in the application packet) must be completed.
- Household members who receive any type of monthly Social Security payment may present their 2021 Social Security letter as proof of income.
- Proof of vaccinations, if any.
- Veterinarians' contact information.
- Must provide valid income verification, such as a SNAP, WIC, Medicaid/Medicare, Unemployment statement, SSI, SSDI, Disability, copy of paystub with a letter of hardship in providing supplies for your cat and/or dog, or declaration of need.
- Must provide proof of vaccination and, after three months, Spay & Neuter documentation.
- Must be the guardian of the cat or dog, with proof of such.
- Must have valid government-issued identification, such as a driver’s license.
- Must reside in Jefferson County, Alabama.
- Applicant must agree to service terms and complete an application at the distribution location or online.
Upon qualification, the cat or dog will receive food from a designated distribution site for three months, as available. After this period, the guardian must spay or neuter their FAM, along with providing vaccination records. This is requested to ensure the health and well-being of each FAM served and to help control overpopulation and eventual euthanasia due to overcrowded shelters. After verification of vaccination, spaying, or neutering, participants qualify for six additional months of FAM food and supplies. If participants cannot afford these requests, we distribute and connect individuals with no- to low-cost vaccination and spay/neuter resources, when and where available.
Product Policy
- Account Status: Participant accounts should be in good standing to receive specialty items.
- Housing Status: Housing conditions must be safe and free of debris and clutter.
- Lease or Property Agreement: If under a leasing agreement, you are assuming that you are allowed to have FAMs reside inside or outside the property.
- Warranty: RESCUES ON85TH does not guarantee any warranty on products. All products are new and given to you at no cost. This service is intended to assist, not replace, the care of your FAM.
- Rulings and Guidelines: RESCUES ON85TH has implemented a policy to verify FAM ownership in order to ensure fairness in product distribution. These rules assist in distributing products correctly. We will ask your veterinarian for your name, contact information, and if you are the owner of the FAM(s) listed on your application. If you do not have a veterinarian, specialty items will be held for you for up to 10 days until such documents are acquired. After this time, specialty items will be distributed to the next qualifying participant, and you will be placed on a waiting list.
Clients must agree not to have their FAMs tethered 24 hours to any object. FAMs may only be tethered to their doghouse or an object for a limited period, with breaks. If a FAM is reported as tethered improperly, your account will be placed on hold until further investigation is completed. No products or services will be provided to your household during this time.
Clients agree to hold harmless RESCUES ON85TH from all claims, losses, expenses, and fees, including attorney fees, costs, and judgments that may arise due to the acts or omissions of RESCUES ON85TH, including its partner agencies and subsidiaries.
If the client fails to comply with any provision, term, or condition of this agreement, the organization may terminate the account by providing written notice. The notice will explain the nature of the hold on the account. The client will have 10 days from the notice date to remedy the default. If the issue is not resolved within this period, the account may be automatically terminated.
Clients must agree that all statements are true and correct. I agree not to tether my FAM improperly, understand that there is no warranty on products provided free of cost, and agree not to trade, barter, or sell any products. Additionally, I agree to the hold harmless clause outlined in this document. If a client needs help understanding any part of this document, they may request assistance from a RESCUES ON85TH representative or volunteer, either in writing or verbally.